Hi, my name is Joshua Beasley
I am a Full Stack Software Development Engineer in JavaScript, Node.js, and React.js with a background in songwriting, sales, and customer service who takes pride in writing efficient and reliable code. Passionate about collaborating with a team to empower and simplify the lives of customers by developing efficient solutions to complex problems.
Driven by a passion for efficiency and a desire to be helpful, I am a lifelong student of Software Engineering because it is the intersection where I can have the most fun doing the most good.
Create Your Own Flash-Cards
A free study tool that utilizes the user's local storage to create and save their own flash cards for future use. This website was built using vanilla JavaScript, HTML5, and CSS3
Command Love Interface
A terminal based dating application that allows users to find love via the command line built with: Socket.io, JavaScript, AtlassDB, Oauth, Bcrypt, Inquirer, Figlet, Mongoose, Chalk, Jest, Node.js, and Jest.
Comic Cat Web Application
This web app allows the user to search for the title of a Marvel comic and save it to the favorites page, where the user can “roll” for a new cat. This web app was built with: Javascript, jQuery, HTML5, CSS3, postgresQL, md5, Node.js, ejs, Express, Method-Override, Superagent, pg, dotenv, git, Github, and Jest.
About Me
I am a customer service oriented Full-Stack Software Development Engineer with a passion for writing highly performative code. Beyond my love of discovering creative applications of data-structures and algorithms, I love sitting around a fire and playing music, slacklining at Golden Gardens beach park, and the way moss grows on rocks. The picture above is from Moab. Check out all the different shapes/colors/patterns! Moss Rocks!
If you know of any employment opportunities for which you think I might be a good fit, please use the contact button below to send me an email.